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All 8 Videos in NRMN Health Research Talks Series Now Available

By February 15, 2017No Comments

Contributed by Ann Smith

The National Research Mentoring Network, in partnership with the UAB Minority Health and Health Disparities Research Center (MHRC), is pleased to announce that all 8 videos in our series on health disparities research entitled NRMN Health Research Talks are now available to watch here on

The series provides professional development information for junior faculty planning research careers as independent investigators in fields related to community-based health and health disparities.

In the eighth and final installment, Dr. Stephen Sodeke of Tuskegee University’s National Center for Bioethics and Healthcare discusses the important role of informed consent and bioethics.

Part of this discussion includes the history of what necessitated the idea of Informed Consent. It was born out of public outrage for atrocities committed against research subjects during the research process.

Much of it began with the realization of the barbarisms committed by German physicians in World War II as detailed in the Nuremberg Trials. Further research abuses in the United States went beyond Nuremberg:  Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital Case, in 1963;  The Willowbrook Case, Saul Krugman, MD, 1956-1971;  Henry Beecher, MD, Ethics and Clinical Research, NEJM, 1966; and The United States Public Health Service “Study of Untreated Syphilis in Negro Males” at Tuskegee (1932-1972). The latter is renowned in Black history for the length of time it persisted until it was brought to light to the public, and terminated in 1972.

All of these informed the development of guidance to protect research participants: the Nuremberg Code (1949), Declaration of Helsinki (1964; 1975; 1983; 1989; 1996), and the Belmont Report (1979). Further regulations ensure the Informed Consent process is conducted transparently in research involving human participants.

Dr. Sodeke’s research interests include research ethics, population ethics, neuroethics, cross-cultural bioethics; community bioethics and issues related to community-based participatory research approach, health and human rights; ethical issues in health and health outcomes disparities, and in research with vulnerable populations in the United States and the developing world.

Click here to watch the series now, and provide your feedback on any of the videos using our quick feedback form.

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