Byars-Winston, Gutierrez, Topp, Carnes, Integrating Theory and Practice to Increase Scientific Workforce Diversity: A Framework for Career Development in Graduate Research Training, CBE-Life Sciences Education, Winter 2011
Byars-Winston, Gutierrez, Topp, Carnes, Integrating Theory and Practice to Increase Scientific Workforce Diversity: A Framework for Career Development in Graduate Research Training, CBE-Life Sciences Education, Winter 2011
Previous PostChang, Witt, Jones, Hatuka, Compelling Interest: Examining the Evidence on Racial Dynamics in Colleges and Universities, Stanford University Press, 2003
Next PostByars-Winston, Fouad, Metacognitions and Multicultural Competence: Expanding the Culturally Appropriate Career Counseling Model, Career Development Quarterly, March 2006