Bakken, Byars-Winston, Gundermann, Ward, Slattery, King, Scott, Taylor, Effects of an Educational Intervention on Female Biomedical Scientists’ Research Self-Efficacy, Advance in Science Health Education, May 2010
Bakken, Byars-Winston, Gundermann, Ward, Slattery, King, Scott, Taylor, Effects of an Educational Intervention on Female Biomedical Scientists’ Research Self-Efficacy, Advance in Science Health Education, May 2010
Previous PostBalster, Pfund, Rediske, Branchaw, Entering Research: A Course that Creates Community and Structure for Beginning Undergraduate Researchers in the STEM Disciplines, CBE-Life Sciences Education, Summer 2010
Next PostWilliams, Thakore, McGee, Career Coaches as a Source of Vicarious Learning for Racial and Ethnic Minority PhD Students in the Biomedical Sciences: A Qualitative Study, PLOS ONE, July 2016