Written by Amanda Sagen and Amanda Butz, PhD
The NRMN Mentorship Training Core hosted its fourth train-the-trainer event for Facilitators of Entering
Research February 7-8 at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Led by Drs. Jennifer Gleason and Janet
Branchaw, the Madison workshop was attended by 31 facilitators and instructors from across the
country. In addition to learning about the curriculum and available evaluation and assessment tools,
workshop participants were also given time to work independently and in groups on developing their
curriculum and implementation plans. 96% of the facilitators who completed workshop evaluations
rated the workshop as very good or excellent. On average, participants left the workshop with their
curriculum and implementation plans at least 70% complete. The next Facilitating workshop is planned
for July 9-10, 2019 and will be offered by the Center for the Improvement of Mentored Experiences in
Research (CIMER) at the University of Wisconsin – Madison. For more information, please contact
Entering Research is an undergraduate and graduate training curriculum designed to be implemented
locally with research trainees. Originally developed in 2010, the curriculum has been revised and
expanded to 96 activities which address seven areas of trainee development: research communication
and comprehension skills; practical research skills; research ethics; researcher identity; researcher
confidence and independence; equity and inclusion awareness and skills; and professional and career
development skills. A new assessment tool that aligns with these areas of trainee development is also
included with the curriculum. The revised Entering Research curriculum is now available on the CIMER
website, www.cimerproject.org. For more information on the curriculum, please contact the Entering
Research Team at enteringresearch@education.wisc.edu.