All month long, NRMN has been celebrating #NationalMentoringMonth with you. We invite you to join our NRMN Twitter chat happening on January 24, 2019. This digital movement has sparked interest across the nation and its impact has truly been amazing!
Social media is a wonderful way to get connected to not only your friends, family, and acquaintances, but your professional network too. Realizing that life and the digital world are so overlapped at this time in history, why not take advantage of all of its opportunities and leverage those social constructs to facilitate a larger professional pool of ideas and opportunities? Pushing yourself outside the box is something that we often times neglect. Mentorship celebrates the notion of trying something new or going outside of your comfort zone with the aid of someone who has been there before and has experience in that scenario. We at the National Research Mentoring Network strive each day to create a network of supportive, impactful individuals that are truly invested in the success of the next scientific generation. Growing your professional network often seems like a daunting task; but, have you considered taking a new approach or changing your environment, even in the digital space?
Something that we often forget is the sheer power that the digital world has to offer, especially within the confines of professional and personal development. Leveraging as many opportunities to engage with individuals and leaders within your industry or niche should be your new goal of 2019! Start by asking questions or just put yourself out there in a professional manner, and you, more often than not, will be received in the same regard. Personal and professional development is something that is ever changing and evolving. We hope that you take advantage of some of the digital opportunities that NRMN can help facilitate, and grow your professional network.
Please join us in celebrating the month of mentorship, and bring a few questions to the digital table. We will be posting questions to our digital audience about mentorship, advice navigating mentoring relationships, and how to be a good mentor and or mentee. Keep giving back to the community by mentoring the next gen of mentees. All happening January 24, 2019 from 9am-5pmCT.
Below are templates to participate in the discussion. Don’t forget to use the #NRMNmentoringMatters and tag @NRMNet!