Since MyMentor launched in January of this year, we have seen tremendous growth thanks to the added features the platform has to offer. In this platform, users can be both a mentor and a mentee by utilizing our Dual Role functionality, they can extend or shorten the length of their connection, create customized goals, and so much more! However, features for individual users isn’t the only perk in this platform!
The MyMentor platform also caters to exclusive environments for groups, organizations, programs, and schools. This exclusive environment is referred to as a “track” in the platform and it is utilized for groups that have both mentors and mentees who wish for a mentoring space to call their own. Groups with a track can customize their discussion prompts and dissemination, timelines, mentoring resources, branding, and matching processes. Plus, I’ll get to work with you during the creation of your track, which is definitely a perk for me!
Currently MyMentor has two tracks up and running and one track in the creation process. Each new track is provided all of the content from NRMN’s space in MyMentor and the group can decide if and how they would like to customize the content. For example, because most of NRMN’s content pertains to those currently in educational programs, ABRF (The Association of Biomolecular Resource Facilities), a professional society, removed the content targeted for students and condensed the number of tasks so that it would be better suited for professionals. However, another professional organization, ASBMR (The American Society for Bone and Mineral Research), has student members, so they opted to keep the NRMN content as-is.
So far, all of the tracks have opted for cohort-style matching as opposed to open matching, which is used in the NRMN space. When using cohort-style matching, the connections rely solely on NRMN’s culturally-aware matching algorithm. However, like almost everything else in the tracks, this algorithm is customizable as well. In fact, the ABRF track decided to add in some additional profile questions specific to their organization and adjust the matching algorithm to reflect their new questions rather than the NRMN profile questions. We’re still early in their cohort, but early survey results reflect that this has been a success!
When a group decides that they would like to set up a track, it’s important to have a launch date in mind. Typically, depending on the customizations, tracks can take 2-6 months to create and then launch. This time frame is dependent upon how many changes need to be made to the content as well as how many people the group would like to have in their track. Groups are responsible for generating their own content if they decide to customize, however I will be there to help the whole way!
Overall, NRMN and MyMentor are here to help you find your ideal mentor in whatever capacity works best for you. If you have any questions about the tracks or how to start one, simply reach out to me, Katie Stinson, the MyMentor System Administrator, and I’ll answer everything! Please feel free to contact me via email at or via the Contact Administrator link within the MyMentor platform.