Written by Amanda Butz, Ph.D.
Research training program directors and program faculty and staff members who lead undergraduate or graduate mentee training courses, workshops, or summer training programs are invited to apply to attend an Entering Research train-the-trainer workshop hosted by the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN). Workshop participants will learn to integrate instructional materials and use assessment tools from an updated and expanded version of Entering Research, a curriculum designed to support diverse undergraduate and graduate trainees engaged in mentored research experiences. Areas of Trainee Development addressed in the curriculum include:
- Research Communication & Comprehension Skills
- Practical Research Skills
- Research Ethics
- Researcher Identity
- Researcher Confidence & Independence
- Equity and Inclusion Awareness & Skills
- Professional & Career Development Skills
Workshops will be offered October 25-26, 2018 and February 7-8, 2019 at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Each workshop is limited to 32 participants. For more information and to apply, visit https://sites.google.com/wisc.edu/facilitatingenteringresearch/apply-to-attend
Applications will be accepted through August 27, 2018. However, individuals who apply by July 23, 2018 will be notified of their application status by July 30, 2018.
To date, 56 individuals from 33 institutions and organizations across the country have attended Facilitating Entering Research train-the-trainer workshops. For more information on these workshops and the Entering Research curriculum, contact the Entering Research Team at enteringresearch@education.wisc.edu