Is Grad School Right for You? A Webinar Series Presented by NRMN and AAMC GREAT Group
NRMN and the AAMC GREAT Group launched a series of eight career development webinars, focusing on the graduate school process: the application process, personal statement and letters of recommendation, and interviewing with admissions committees etc.
The first in the series of eight webinars was held on February 16 at 2pm Eastern, during which three accomplished researchers discussed the topic “Is Grad School Right for You?”. The chosen panelists were Victoria H. Freedman PhD, Dave Wessinger PhD, and Audra Van Wary PhD.
Victoria H. Freedman is the Associate Dean for Graduate Programs in Biomedical Sciences at Albert Einstein College of Medicine. Dave Wessinger is a professor of Pharmacology and Toxicology at the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences. Audra Van Wart is the Director of Education and Training, and Assistant Professor at Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute.
Over 100 participants registered and attended the live presentation and Q&A hosted through GoToWebinar, during which over 40 questions were posed to the panelists.
Click below to watch the full video recording of the first webinar “Is Grad School Right for You?”.
For brief biographies of the panelists, click here to view this event’s page on the NRMN website.