Written by: Kimberly Lawson, MPH and Meldra Hall, MPH
Co-PI, Priscilla Pemu, MD presents to a group of investigators attending the GaCTSA Statewide Conference.
The Georgia Clinical and Translational Science Alliance (CTSA) hosted their 2ndannual statewide conference on February 28 – March 1, 2019 at Callaway Resort and Gardens in Pine Mountain, Georgia. The annual conference defines how the Georgia CTSA support research and increase grant funding by allowing attendees to network with national leaders and NIH staff in translational science and education. It allows investigators to share research with others and develop new collaborations. This year the statewide conference attracted 236 investigators across the GaCTSA.
On Day 1, the conference kicked off with a welcome and overview of the conference led by CTSA Principal Investigators: W. Robert Taylor, MD, PhD (Emory University), Andres Garcia, PhD (Georgia Institute of Technology), Elizabeth Ofili, MD, MPH (Morehouse School of Medicine) and Bradley Phillips, PharmD, BCPS. The conference was followed by featured talks and three concurrent breakout sessions featuring talks by Deans, Directors, PhD and doctoral students from the four CTSA institutions. The topics focused on Statewide Health, Innovation in Healthcare Technology, and Translating Basic Science. The evening concluded with a networking reception, CTSA showcase, and poster viewing/judging.
NRMN’s co-investigator Priscilla E. Pemu, MD, MSCR, FACP of Morehouse School of Medicine presented a feature session on Day 1 titled “Is Culturally Congruent Communication the Secret Sauce to Successful Adoption of Health Technology Assisted Self-management?”, addressing the challenges with getting patients to utilize health technology applications to manage their health.
Day Two consisted of a networking breakfast and three Scientific Sessions with featured talks by Assistant Professors, Fellows, student Pharmacists, and PhD students. The conference closed with an awards ceremony acknowledging the outstanding work of investigators, faculty, students, and staff. The CTSA offered continuing education credits to those attending the conference.
The NRMN Research Resources and Outreach Core (RROC) at Morehouse School of Medicine has worked collaboratively with the Georgia CTSA and has recruited and trained five scholars at Georgia CTSA institutions. Additionally, one trainee of NRMN’s Grantsmanship Coaching Program is a recipient of a GaCTSA pilot award. Because of our collaboration with GaCTSA, RROC was enthusiastic about supporting this conference.