NRMN offers four unique but complementary models that are intensive programs for junior investigators to work closely with experienced faculty members and peers on the grantsmanship of an NIH grant proposal. The groups are more than just 1-2 day workshops as groups meet together over the course of several months.
One of the components of the groups is training senior faculty on how to implement the coaching group models themselves as coaches. After coaches are trained, some have decided to take the coaching group models back to their home institutions or networks.
NRMN directors and staff are working in collaboration with several of these new coaches to launch coaching groups at new locations in the upcoming months. We are excited to announce that the first new location of the NRMN Proposal Preparation Program (NRMN-P3) model beyond the original, which is led by Dr. Anne Marie Weber-Main at the University of Minnesota, is being implemented at the University of California, Davis starting in September 2016 under the direction of Dr. Moon Chen.
In addition, the Northwestern University (NU) model will be offered in two locations beyond its home institution this upcoming academic year. One instance of the NU model will kick off in Puerto Rico as part of NRMN’s next installment of the Southeast Training Hub program series, under the direction of Drs. Jeff Engler and Adriana Báez. The second will be held in the Greater Boston region, and will operate under the direction of Dr. Daniel Jay in early 2017.
Dr. Rick McGee, Program Director for NRMN’s NU model, is co-author on an upcoming publication, Career Coaches as a Source of Vicarious Learning for Racial and Ethnic Minority PhD Students in the Biomedical Sciences: A Qualitative Study that explores the impact that coaches can have on rising investigators, particularly those from populations currently underrepresented in biomedical science.
For more information on the coaching groups, including instructions for how to apply as a mentee, grant writing coach, and scientific/methodology advisor, please visit the NRMNet website here.
Photo (left to right): Drs. Kola Okuyemi and Moon Chen