NRMN and AAMC Great Group Career Development Webinar Series: Is Grad School Right for You?
NRMN and the AAMC GREAT Group present a series of career development webinars, focusing on the graduate school process across three webinar sessions: February 2016: Is grad school right for you?; April 2016: Get ready for your PhD: Application Process; June 2016: The Personal Statement and Letters of Recommendation & Interviews that WOW the Admissions Committees.
Career Development Webinar: NIH Individual Pre doctoral Fellowships for Graduate Students
Columbia University Medical Center’s Jaime S. Rubin, PhD discusses “NIH individual pre-doctoral fellowships for graduate students.”
This webinar addresses best practices for effective grantsmanship, approaches for competitive applications, common mistakes made by junior investigators, and tips to increase chances for success. The focus will be on the NIH individual graduate pre-doctoral fellowship funding mechanism, as well as specific content to include when completing the key required components of the application. NIH’s review process, scoring system, and criteria will also be addressed.
Career Development Webinar: Partnership – Co Creating a Health Care System that Works for Everyone
Teddie Potter PhD, RN leads this live presentation and Q&A that explores variations in working culture within the context of the research lab and health care teams, and their impact on productivity, motivation, professional development and more.
Potter has a rich practice history including over thirty years in homecare. She has often been at the heart of paradigm shifts, including being one of the first home care nurses in her state, starting a specialized home care program for people living with HIV/AIDS, and helping start one of the first palliative care programs in the nation.
Career Development Webinar: Protecting Yourselves & Others from Stereotype Threat
Protecting Yourselves and Others from Stereotype (Social Identity) Threat
Stereotype Threat is a situational predicament in which people are aware (consciously or unconsciously) that they may be being judged or perceived according to stereotypes about their group category. Hundreds of studies have shown that it can be easily triggered and causes a cascade of negative effects included temporary loss of skills and behavior that confirms stereotypes.
Career Development Webinar: Leadership in the Academy
Presented by Collins O. Airhihenbuwa, Dean and Professor, College for Public Health and Social Justice, Saint Louis University, Missouri. Given the current political climate, leadership becomes even more critical in creating safe and engaging spaces for scholars and educators opposing views to share their perspectives as they work together to collectively create innovative solutions to promote health equity and social justice.
ASCB Career Development Webinar Series
A series of professional development videos for scientists on topics ranging from scientific writing, to highlighting the trials and tribulations underlying the various stages of the academic pipeline. Videos shared courtesy of the American Society for Cell Biology.