Health Research TalksVideos NRMN Health Research Talks – Episode 3: Reducing Obesity, Interventions feat. Dr. Garreth Dutton How Can We Reduce Obesity through Behavioral Interventions? Gareth Dutton, PhD Associate Professor of Medicine…NRMN StaffMay 3, 2021
Health Research TalksVideos NRMN Health Research Talks – Episode 2: Health Disparities Research Design feat. Dr. Raegan Durant What are Tips for Researchers Developing Health Disparities Research Design and Methods? Raegan W. Durant,…NRMN StaffMay 3, 2021
Health Research TalksVideos NRMN Health Research Talks – Episode 1: Social Determinants of Health feat. Dr. Mona Fouad What are Social Determinants of Health and How Do They Relate to Health Disparities Research?…NRMN StaffMay 3, 2021
Career Development WebinarsVideos Is Grad School Right For You? NRMN in partnership with the AAMC GREAT Group presented on if graduate school is for…NRMN StaffMay 3, 2021
Career Development WebinarsVideos The Personal Statement NRMN in partnership with the AAMC GREAT Group presented on if graduate school is for…NRMN StaffMay 3, 2021
Career Development WebinarsVideos Career Development Webinar: NIH Individual Pre doctoral Fellowships for Graduate Students This webinar addresses best practices for effective grantsmanship, approaches for competitive applications, common mistakes made…NRMN StaffMay 3, 2021
Career Development WebinarsVideos NRMN Career Development Webinar- Protecting Yourselves & Others from Stereotype Threat Protecting Yourselves and Others from Stereotype (Social Identity) Threat Stereotype Threat is a situational predicament…NRMN StaffMay 3, 2021
Career Development WebinarsVideos Career Development Webinar: Leadership in the Academy Presented by Collins O. Airhihenbuwa, Dean and Professor, College for Public Health and Social Justice,…NRMN StaffMay 3, 2021