Happy Holidays, NRMN Community! Whether you have been a part of our community for years or just joined us this year, thank you for supporting the National Research Mentoring Network. As we wrap up 2021 and look forward to 2022, let’s take a look back at all what we’ve done this year.
We started the year with National Mentoring Month, where we hosted several webinars on being an effective mentor and how mentoring plays a role in promoting DEI in the STEMM fields.
Speaking of webinars, we’ve had quite a few this year, featuring a variety of individuals and organizations, including Dr. Jaime Rubin, the NIH High-Risk High-Reward Research Program, the NIH All of Us Research Program, and Drs. Chris Pfund and Ruth Gotian. We also launched our first webinar series for our NRMN Unconscious Bias Course, where we discussed how to navigate microaggressions in academic medicine.
Of course, we continued to host our monthly How to Leverage the NRMN Network webinars, as we showed you all the best ways to navigate our network.
We also were able to partner with organizations like Texas CEAL to produce webinars focused on providing information about the Covid-19 pandemic. We also helped produce the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth’s Texas Conference on Health Disparities that highlighted community approaches to health equity.
Our digital media platforms also had a revamp this year. NRMNet and MyNRMN both had a redesign, along with our monthly newsletter. We also added a Jobs and Internships Board to MyNRMN. Our social media accounts continued to stay active, as we showcased ways to harness our website and MyNRMN, and we enjoyed interacting with you all.
Finally, we started to wrap up this year with a successful conference season. We attended SACNAS, ABRCMS, and the 2021 NIH Virtual Seminar. From giving presentations on mentorship to chatting with everyone who stopped by our virtual booths, we enjoyed getting to know all the attendees and welcoming new members to our community.
As we start 2022, we’re excited to build upon all our activities from last year. We’ll start off National Mentoring Month filled with content for you to enjoy, and we’ll continue to produce webinars with valuable information for everyone’s stage in their STEMM journey.
Until then, we wish all of our NRMN community happy holidays and a happy new year!