Webinar: Beyond the Trend of Decolonizing Science
A conversation led by indigenous and Black scholars around what it means to decolonize science.
Hosted by: Union of Concerned Scientists
A conversation led by indigenous and Black scholars around what it means to decolonize science.
Hosted by: Union of Concerned Scientists
In celebration of National Mentoring month, join our webinar about an innovative platform to help graduate students choose, and share information about, their advisors. Yale Biology graduate students, Gadareth Higgs… Continue Reading NRMN Career Development Webinar: How to make the most out of GradPI
Join us this Wednesday May 16th at 12 pm EST/ 11 am CST/ 9 am PST to learn more about MyNRMN – the networking and collaboration platform from NRMN. This 30 minute webinar will introduce you to current and… Continue Reading Have questions about how to make MyNRMN work for you?