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Career Development Webinar: NIH Individual Pre-doctoral Fellowships for Graduate Students featuring Jaime S. Rubin, PhD
September 27, 2016 @ 2:00 pm - 3:30 pm
Join us for the first session on September 27th, 2016 at 2pm ET where Columbia University Medical Center’s Jaime S. Rubin, PhD will discuss “NIH individual pre-doctoral fellowships for graduate students.”
This webinar will address best practices for effective grantsmanship, approaches for competitive applications, common mistakes made by junior investigators, and tips to increase chances for success. The focus will be on the NIH individual graduate pre-doctoral fellowship funding mechanism, as well as specific content to include when completing the key required components of the application. NIH’s review process, scoring system, and criteria will also be addressed.
This online panel will be most suited to Graduate students, recent postdocs and their Advisors, who are encouraged to participate actively in the Q&A portion at the end of the session.
Webinar Registration:
Please register for NIH individual pre-doctoral fellowships for graduate students on Sept 27, 2016 2:00 PM ET at:
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
Jaime S. Rubin, PhD, received a B.S. in physics sigma pi sigma in 1977 from The Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Art (New York, NY). She then received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees from the Ontario Cancer Institute/University of Toronto (Canada) in 1980 and 1984, respectively. Her Ph.D. thesis, published in the journal, Nature, described the first molecular identification and characterization of a human DNA repair gene. Since 1985, she has held a number of senior level positions at Columbia University Medical Center, including Acting Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs, having served as the founding Director of the Office of Graduate Affairs, and Acting Associate Vice President/Acting Associate Dean for Research Administration, having served as one of the founders of the Office of Research Administration. She is currently the Vice Chair for Investigator Development in the Department of Medicine where she also holds a faculty position. All of these positions have allowed for the teaching and mentoring of junior investigators, including medical, public health, nursing, and graduate students, medical and dental residents, postdoctoral fellows and scientists, and junior faculty. She founded (in 1995) and continues to direct the graduate level course “Funding and Grantsmanship for Research and Career Development Activities” (http://grantscourse.columbia.edu/) and served as the Associate Program Director for the Doris Duke Clinical Research Fellowship Program, having helped develop and initiate this successful program at Columbia in 2000. In 1994, she founded and continues as one of the Directors of the Medical Center course on “Responsible Conduct of Research and Related Policy Issues” (http://researchethics.cumc.columbia.edu/), lecturing on misconduct in research as well as on issues concerning publication, authorship, and peer review. Other career development roles include serving as Associate Director for Career Development on a number of NIH-funded pre-doctoral and postdoctoral training grants, fellowships, and junior faculty career development awards, as well as an Advisory Board member of Columbia’s Patient-Oriented Research (POR) Master of Science Program and the Clinical and Translational Science Award (Education). She has also given presentations on these and related topics at national conferences and peer institutions. These have included NIH-funded career development presentations to students and junior faculty which were focused on increasing the diversity of the biomedical workforce.