Interested in writing an NIH Proposal?
Get expert advice, feedback, and support from an intimate grant writing coaching group! The grant writing coaching group model is one that has been developed and used at Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine (NU) for over 10 years and expanded to national groups since 2014 through the National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN). It is designed for early career scientists who are ACTIVELY WRITING an NIH-style predoctoral fellowship, career development award, or R-type research proposal. Writing groups are led by an accomplished, NIH-funded scientist who has been specially trained in the coaching group model. Through collaboration with SACNAS, writing groups of 3-5 individuals, plus the coach, will kick-off their groups the day before the SACNAS conference. In the day-long meeting, participants are introduced to the NU model of writing and begin the iterative group feedback process, focusing initially on a good working draft of the Specific Aims Page. After the first meeting, groups will meet virtually every week for 90-120 minutes using distance technology, providing feedback on revised Aims Pages and subsequently moving on to Significance, Innovation, and Training sections. Groups typically meet for 2-3 months, ideally culminating with the submission of the proposal. This event is included in the SACNAS pre-conference workshop offerings during the 2018 SACNAS conference in San Antonio, TX.
When: Wednesday, October 10, 9:00 am – 3:00 pm
Application Deadline: Monday, September 10, 12:00am/midnight CST
For more information, and to apply, visit the NRMN website here.