Interview conducted by: Meldra Hall, MPH
How did you get involved with NRMN?
I heard of the program from a PhD research colleague at Emory University
Tell us a bit about your research, and the grant you applied for.
My research focus investigates the molecular mechanisms involved in the regulation of pulmonary artery smooth muscle proliferation and pulmonary hypertension pathogenesis. Thelong-term goal of this research project is to determine how alterations in the regulation of mitophagy impacts PASMC proliferation in PH pathobiology. The grant I applied for was a VA Merit Review Award. This is a veteran’s health administration Federal grant.
Which of NRMN program(s) have you participate in?
The 2-day Strategic Empowerment Tailored Towards Health Equity (SETH) training program with Improving Mentoring & Coached Experiences and Grant Writing Coaching Groups.
Describe your role in [program], and tell us a little about your experience in that role.
I was a participant and learner (trainee).
Have you participated in other similar programs in the past? If so, how was your experience with NRMN different or unique?
I have not participated in similar programs. However, my experiences with the NRMN were very positive and useful. I took full advantage of the resources offered and the mentoring groups along with video conferences. This mentorship and group dynamic played a significant role in the success of my grant application.
If someone called you and asked, “Why should I become involved with NRMN?” how would you respond?
This is a unique resource which if taken seriously, can have very beneficial effects on the career trajectory of young professionals involved in research.
How has your experience with NRMN changed the way you approach your career in the sciences?
My involvement helped to focus my efforts toward the achievement of obtaining the grant. It also served as a needed support group outside of my academic institution.
Are you an award recipient? If so, please tell us how NRMN grant writing coaching group helped you toward your success.
Yes. I was awarded a VA Merit Review Award: $600,000 over 4 years from the Veterans Health Administration. The writing group helped me to set interim deadlines to for writing specific aims and my research plan. I also received invaluable feedback from my peers and mentor on grant components that I submitted to the group. I did not have access to a resource such as this. I utilized the video conferences and interim writing deadlines to the fullest and by taking this opportunity seriously, my efforts paid off.