NIH Diversity in Extramural Programs: Career Pathway Resources for College
Learn how diversity supports the mission of the National Institutes of Health, find opportunities to participate in diversity programs, meet researchers, and more.
NIH Programs for Undergraduate Students
College students identify their academic strengths and interests, and begin identifying an appropriate career. Students interested in biomedical science may be majoring in a science field, or “pre-med,” or in the liberal arts.
Catching the Dream: Native American Scholarship Fund
Information on Catching the Dream, a national Native American education and scholarship center.
American Indian College Fund Scholarships
Information on the scholarships available to undergraduate and graduate students, available through the American Indian College Fund.
This scholarship that funds undergraduates and grad students was established to memorialize A.T. Anderson, one of the founders of AISES.
Research Resources
Undergraduate Research Commons
A portal showcasing published works authored by thousands of undergraduate students. The portal was built to provide greater visibility to the exemplary student works that universities and colleges are publishing.
NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU)
An REU search database. The Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) program supports active research participation by undergraduate students in any of the areas of research funded by the National Science Foundation.
HHMI Janelia Research Campus
Information on the opportunities, provided by Janeli, for graduate students, undergraduate students, and postdoctoral fellows to do research on campus. This list includes the undergraduate scholars program, joint graduate program, graduate research fellowships, and assistance for post-doctoral associates.
Summer Programs
AAIP College Student Activities
A list of AAIP sponsored programs including a pre-admission workshop, cross cultural medicine workshop, AAIP annual meeting and health conference, and students with disabilities.
SURF: Summer Undergraduate Research Programs (AAMC)
A list of summer undergraduate summer programs sponsored by the AAMC GREAT group.
AAMC Listing of Pipeline and Outreach Programs
Information on how to get medically related experience and prepare for the application process, as well as inspirational personal stories from medical students, residents, and physicians.
Explore Health Careers Listing of Summer Programs
A list of health care careers enrichment programs.
Northeast Regional Alliance (NERA) MedPrep Scholars Program
Information on the NERA program MedPrep program, which is comprised of five higher education institutions expanding health careers preparation in order to increase competitiveness for medical school.
OHSU Internship Opportunities
Information on the various Oregon Health & Science University internships offered, including the summer equity research program and the Ted R. Lilley Cancer CURE program.
Short-Term Research Experience for Underrepresented Persons (STEP-UP)
The STEP-UP Program provides hands-on summer research experience for underrepresented minority high school and undergraduate students interested in exploring research careers. The STEP-UP Program is a federally funded program managed and supported by the Office of Minority Health Research Coordination (OMHRC) in the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney (NIDDK) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH). The overall goal of STEP-UP is to build and sustain a biomedical, behavioral, clinical and social science research pipeline focused on NIDDK’s core mission areas of diabetes, endocrinology and metabolic diseases; digestive diseases and nutrition; kidney, urologic and hematologic diseases.
Summer Public Health Scholars Program (SPHSP)
Information on the SPHSP program, which is designed for students who are unsure of their career goals. This is a rigorous program of public health coursework at Columbia University, field experience, immersion in a disadvantaged urban environment, seminars and lectures, and mentoring by faculty members.
Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP)
Information on the SMDEP program, which gives students the opportunity for academic and career experiences to support their preparation for dental and medical school careers.
Summer Multicultural Advancement Research Training (SMART)
Information on the SMART program, which brings undergraduate students to the UNT Health Science Center campus to participate in a 10-week biomedical sciences project.
Paid Summer Undergraduate Research Placements (by IBP Pathways to Science)
Information on scholarships and programs for undergraduate students, webinar archives, and a relevant resource toolbox.