The National Research Mentoring Network (NRMN) is a nationwide consortium to enhance the training and career development of individuals from diverse backgrounds who are pursuing biomedical, behavioral, clinical, and social science research careers (collectively termed biomedical research careers), through enhanced networking and mentorship experiences. NRMN is also developing best practices for mentoring, providing training opportunities for mentors, and providing networking and professional opportunities for mentees.
NRMN makes strategic use of a five-region national “hub” system for deploying professional development and mentorship programming, as well as to foster formal networking opportunities, on a nationwide scale. The five hubs are organized around key concentrations of populations across the U.S., and are designed to leverage partnerships with institutions local to the region as well as NRMN partners with a regional presence.
These five NRMN hub regions are:
- Northeast/Atlantic/Islands,
- Southeast/ Deep South,
- Midwest,
- South
- West/ Northern Plains.